Tuesday, November 9, 2010


In topic 12, it focuses mainly on one of the latest development online communication, to create communities and share information, often near instantaneously. That is, I have learnt that there are many links to the internet sites in this module that one can explore to know more about the exciting development that has revolutionized communications and how people related to each other in the 21st Century. Particularly, this topic introduces social net works and social net working, such as facebook, MySpace and Twitter etc.. Moreover, I have learnt some of the basic features of some of this social networking. By analyzing these social networking it also have some side effect, e.g. it can be serious steal time or some people term it the time killer or it can even killed somebody by posting negative comments on someone. Therefore, this topic opens my understanding of some of the social issues that associate with social net works and net working.

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